We strive to provide our patients with comprehensive, compassionate dental care.
Teeth can be discoloured by both external and internal factors. External effects can be caused by drinking coffee, tea, alcohol or smoking, or internal effects can be caused by an injury or tooth decay. With our teeth whitening procedure, you can have bright white teeth again!
Choose from a wide range of treatment solutions from our doctors in a friendly atmosphere, in our clinic equipped with state-of-the-art technology!
In addition to our general dental procedures, please do not hesitate to contact us with individual requests!
Check out our teeth whitening procedures if you want brighter, whiter teeth!
After taking a panoramic X-ray, you will receive personalised advice on implants!
Feel free to contact us if you have a tooth decay!
Are you looking to have a prosthesis made or to replace your existing prosthesis? Our colleagues will be happy to answer your questions!
Free initial consultation, personalized to your needs! Our dental consultations are completely free of charge for new patients! We will see you in our clinic at a time that is convenient for you, based on a prior appointment by phone or online! Please contact our colleagues if you have any questions!
Have a check-up with our highly qualified dentists and we will provide you with a personalised written treatment plan and offer! Please feel free to contact us with your dental problem, we will do our best to find the best solution for you and offer you several alternatives.
Free initial consultation, personalized to your needs! Our dental consultations are completely free of charge for new patients! We will see you in our clinic at a time that is convenient for you, based on a prior appointment by phone or online! Please contact our colleagues if you have any questions!
Have a check-up with our highly qualified dentists and we will provide you with a personalised written treatment plan and offer! Please feel free to contact us with your dental problem, we will do our best to find the best solution for you and offer you several alternatives.